Get Your Tickets Now Before They Go Up At The Door!


Prices at the Door: Day Pass $129 Full Weekend Pass $209

Amazing Speakers - Yoga - Music - Mindfulness Experiences Holistic Market - 

Delicious Food - Breathtaking Location!

EVENT RECEPTION with our speakers at the Garden Oasis of CHOCOLATREE!

"528 CELEBRITY TRIBUTE CONCERT" with Dr. Horowitz and Sherri Kane!

BUNDLE your event and concert tickets!

Event Presenters Include:

Dr. Leonard Horowitz don Jose Ruiz - Rev. Arlene Hylton - Michael Mirdad Amalia Camateros - Shannon Rae - Chef Mayra Trabulse Shane Stuart Jodi Paige Dr. Lori Krauss - Nicole Vigna - and Ina Mohan!


VALUE BUNDLE Full Event Pass + ChocolaTree Reception + 528 Love Concert

This is included in your value bundle:

*Event Reception and Virgin Cheese Sampling with our speakers at ChocolaTree on Friday, October 20. Value: $20

*Full Weekend Pass "The Soul Connection" event Saturday & Sunday, October 21 & 22 with all speaker presentations, meditation and yoga classes, cooking demo, raffle, access to holistic market and book-signing sessions. Value: $179

*528 Celebrity Tribute Concert” on Saturday, October 21 with Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane, where attendees are invited and sing and dance along popular music played in the 528Hz Sound Healing Frequency!
Value: $25

Value $224 and YOUR Price is $199, a $25 savings!

(+ $7.45 fee)

Full Weekend Event Admission

Full Weekend Access Pass to our premiere Sedona event!

Event Ticket includes:
*All speaker presentations
*Morning meditation and yoga classes
*Food demo
*Raffle ticket
*Access to holistic market is free

Tickets go up to $209 at the door, so save now!

(+ $6.85 fee)

Day Pass Admission (36 remaining)

Secure your day pass for either Saturday or Sunday at our Sedona event!

Event Ticket includes on your chosen day:
*All speaker presentations
*Morning meditation and yoga class
*Raffle ticket
*Access to holistic market is free

Tickets go up to $129 at the door, so save now!

(+ $4.46 fee)

528 Celebrity Tribute Concert with Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane

Saturday, October 21 from 7:30 - 9:30 pm

A musical tribute with Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Sherri Kane and live musicians! Attendees are invited and sing and dance along popular music played in the 528 Hz Love Healing Frequency!

Save $10 by bundling your event and concert tickets!

(+ $2.25 fee)

EXTRA Workshop with Rev. Arlene Hylton

Rev Arlene Hylton of Agape International Spiritual Center will teach her popular workshop “In The Beginning” as a post-event workshop on Sunday, October 22 from 7 - 9:30 pm at The Collective Sedona!

This is a great opportunity for The Soul Connection event attendees and visitors alike!

(+ $2.85 fee)
Total: $0.00

All sales are final and no refunds can be granted. Tickets may be transferred to other guest names.

Please note that the charge for your event tickets will display as "WPY*Belsandia 855-469-3729 CA" on your credit card statement.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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